Thursday 24 January 2013


Self-portraits in my point of view are "camwhore". I love to "camwhore", everyone loves, nowadays even boys "camwhore" too :] 
But the actual meaning of self-portrait is a self-portrait is a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist. A self-portrait may be a portrait of the artist, or a portrait included in a larger work, including a group portrait. Many painters are said to have included depictions of specific individuals, including themselves, in painting figures in religious or other types of composition. Such paintings were not intended publicly to depict the actual persons as themselves, but the facts would have been known at the time to artist andpatron, creating a talking point as well as a public test of the artist's skill.

Examples of famous self-portraits:

Filippino Lippi as a figure in his Martyrdom of Saint Peterfresco, 1481–82,Brancacci Chapel, Florence. He is at the extreme right of a crowded composition.

Marie Bashkirtseff self-portrait, 1880 was a Russian born artist who died at twenty-five. A large number of Bashkirtseff's works were destroyed by theNazis during World War II.

Albrecht Dürer Self-portrait1493. oil, originally onvellum Louvre, Paris. This is among the earliest known formal self-portraits. He is dressed in Italian fashion, reflecting his international success.

Here's my version of self-portrait, made by all nature things (:  

Random self-portrait :


Final : 

The meanings behind this self-portrait are people change, memories don't. As you can see the face are fading away, days by days people keep changing, for good and some for bad. But the memories we have with them will always be there, nothing can replace and will never forget. 

Last but not least, we need to take a picture that best reflect our personality and choose a style of art to portray your self.

Sometimes, we just need to be abnormal and weird to make a better world. :D People laugh me for being different from others, and I laugh at them because they are all the same. 

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